Daryl Branford

Daryl Branford is the Director of Science-Art Initiatives at The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. He incorporates 3D visualization, spatial design, sound synthesis, and live performance to bring research to life. Branford’s years of experience as a multi-instrumentalist musician and artist enable him to explore relationships within the arts and sciences.

He investigates the vast and often untapped patterns inherent in scientific data and translates these into interactive user experiences and 3D visual/sonic representations. These fully-immersive encounters offer new ways to understand and interpret data. In turn, he uses the data as a framework to expand the capabilities of technology, art, and design to communicate scientific concepts, creating a symbiotic relationship between art and science.

Talley Fisher is the Senior Research Artist for Huck SciArt, a dual position with the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences and the Institutes of Energy and the Environment at Penn State University. Talley is an internationally known sculptor specializing in large-scale suspended sculptures for healthcare facilities, airports, hotels, companies, and private residences.

Fisher is deeply involved with every aspect of her work, from conceptualization to installation. Talley’s sculptures simultaneously reflect her wild admiration for nature and an innate appreciation for materials and machines, the literal nuts and bolts, which allow her to push the limits of imagination in every piece she creates.

She earned a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Oregon and a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the State University of New York at Oswego. Extensive travel in Asia and Europe has deeply informed her work, from geometric patterns seen at the Alhambra to the architecture in Japan and China. Her commissions can be found in the United States, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Nassau, and Guam.

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